Eurasian Resources Group commits to paying employer-sponsored health care contributions for its employees during the introduction of mandatory health insurance in Kazakhstan


Eurasian Resources Group (“ERG” or “the Group”) has announced that it will continue to pay employer-sponsored healthcare contributions for its 61,000 employees in Kazakhstan in 2018 and 2019 in addition to the mandatory health insurance that will be introduced nationwide from next year. The Group plans to spend a total of about KZT 9 bn on this initiative during the two-year transitional period. ERG is also expected to pay about KZT 4.3 bn into the Mandatory Social Health Insurance Fund in 2018-2019.

Mr Yelzhan Birtanov, Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, said: “This is the first time that we are introducing a social health insurance system with the healthcare budget linked to the country's economic performance through the joint involvement of the government, employers and citizens. In developed countries, this healthcare funding model has enabled a considerable improvement in the quality and affordability of these services.”

“Companies start paying in contributions to the Health Insurance Fund from July 1 this year, enabling their employees to join the system. In addition, a number of enterprises in Kazakhstan, such as ERG, demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility by continuing to provide voluntary health insurance for their employees. We are happy to support this commendable initiative undertaken by flagship companies in the country.  The most valuable asset of any enterprise is the health of its employees and I urge all major employers to follow ERG's example,” added Mr Birtanov.

Eurasian Resources Group is also implementing a comprehensive set of measures to promote a healthy workplace. This includes disease prevention initiatives, monitoring and controlling working conditions, arranging for immunisation and annual medical checks, providing first aid education and preventing occupational diseases. The Group provides its employees with opportunities to improve their health including by encouraging them to take part in sport. ERG enterprises own social facilities, such as health centres and clinics, mud spas, sports centres, swimming pools, community centres and recreation facilities. Over the past five years (between 2012 and 2016), ERG has spent over KZT 11.8 bn on their maintenance.

Alexander Machkevitch, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ERG S.a r.l., said: “The health and well-being of our employees is ERG’s top priority. As early as 2015, we promised our employees that even after mandatory health insurance is introduced nationwide, the Group would continue to prioritise the health of its employees and fulfil its commitments during the transitional period. We are convinced that within two years the health insurance system in Kazakhstan will adjust itself and become fully functional.”

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